Use your phone to help keep you healthy. Here are my favourite apps to improve or maintain your health.

- Seven – Free – Too busy to make it to the gym today? Not enough time for a full workout? You can spare 7 minutes, right? Seven offers quick seven-minute workouts for people on the go.

- WOD Mate – Free – If you can make it to the gym but you’re not sure what to do WOD mate will have the answer. WOD (workout of the day) mate is easy to use, simply plug in the equipment available to you, the time you want to work out for and hit the generate workout button and it will spit out a great new workout for you every time.

- Relax Melodies – Free – This app allows you create white noise to drown out a noisy hotel or work space. It is also great for providing steady background noise for times of meditation or prayer. If you have trouble sleeping or concentrating the binaural rhythms can be set to help you zone in or out.

- Strava – Free – Do you run or bike? If so, strava is the app for you. It tracks your rides using the GPS in your phone so that you can see your top speed, average speed, analyze your best kilometer, how high you climbed and then share this with you friends. The premium version also keeps track of your vitals (when paired with the appropriate sensors) such as heart rate, BP and power output. This app also gives you medals and trophies as you improve in your training in order to help keep you motivated. Finally, you can link it to your friends accounts so that you can cheer each other on.

- Youtube – Okay, I know what you are thinking… youtube, really??? Yes, Youtube. When I’m tight the day after a workout or bike ride and I know I need to loosen up I love Youtube. Searching things like “yoga for rock climbing” or “yoga for tight lower back pain” always yields a whole bunch of great videos of varying lengths so that I can limber up in the comfort of my own home. A special shout out to “Yoga with Adriene” who seems to have a video for everything.